Author Archives: Jo-Ellen Benson

Woodbridge Rotary Club 2023-2024 Installation Dinner


The Woodbridge Rotary Club celebrated its annual installation dinner on June 29th at the Harbour Grille. The New 2023-2024 Board members are President Lynn Kerr, Outgoing President Nathan Dankwa, Past President Paul Sargeant, Secretary Paul Habina, Treasurer Charlene Finnegan, Public Image Jo-Ellen Benson, Foundation Stu Mitchell & Art Walz, Membership David Kent, and Sgt at Arms George Kerr. The installation was performed by Pamela Montgomery.

2023 Service Above Self Scholarships


On Thursday June 22, 2023, the Woodbridge Rotary Club presented its annual “Service Above Self” scholarships to two Prince William County students, Kirsten Amematsro and Isabella Salguero. We want to congratulate them both on their accomplishments and we wish them all the best in the future.

Flags for Heroes- May 22 to May 31


Flags for Heroes- The Rotary Club of Woodbridge’s “Flags for Heroes” is a fundraiser and 100% of the funds raised will go to worthy charities in our community. It is an amazing visual display of American flags* at a strategic location in Woodbridge.

*Flags are owned by the Rotary Club of Woodbridge and are flown in honor of the sponsor’s hero.